Thursday, May 14, 2020

Freelancing Insights for the New Workforce -

Freelancing Insights for the New Workforce The freelancing profession has grown exponentially over the past few years; according to Freelancers Union nearly 53 million Americans are doing freelance workâ€"that’s more than one-third of American workers.With demand for freelance work increasing, it’s estimated that a full 40% of the U.S. workforce will be joining this disruptive community by 2020, and it’s not hard to see why.The “freelance economy” currently contributes over $700 billion to the national economy, and that number is expected to grow. With over three-quarters of American workers willing to do additional work outside of their normal 9-5, freelancing is becoming a popular way to earn more.evalSo you’ve decided you want to turn your experience and free time into extra income! Now what?Although the benefits of freelancing can seem alluring, it brings its own set of challenges as well.Networking to grow your client base, managing your office space, and setting your own hours can all be difficult to do as y our own boss. One of the biggest barriers cited by freelancers currently is finding workâ€"but technology is making it much easier to connect with clients and others in the freelancing community.Despite the difficulty, you’ve decided that freelancing sounds like a good fit for you! That’s good to hear, as over 75% of freelancers see an optimistic future for the freelancing industry.But before you jump in, take a look at this infographic from Invoice2Go. It’s packed with tips, stats, and advice from veteran freelancers across the community to help you get started on the right foot.And when you close that first contract, check out their free invoice template generator to make sure you get paid for your hard work.Ready to maximize your freelancing potential? evalCheck out the graphic below for tips from the pros!Printed with Permission from

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